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The knowledge base repository is a curated collection of research articles and publication entries related to the topics pertinent to LibrarIN, such as that of public sector co-creation, public service design, public sector innovation, and digital transformation. The knowledge base contains more than 5,400 publication entries from prominent journals and publishers. You can navigate through the knowledge base repository using the filtering options below. You may also copy, print or export the entries of the repository. By clicking on the ‘Columns’ option below, you can select the fields that you want to view, copy, print or export.
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1 | Digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries: An investigation from university librarians in Pakistan | Khan S.A.; Bhatti R. | 2017 | Academic | Approved | Purpose-The purpose of this study was to explore the essential digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries. The study identified useful training programs for university librarians to acquire digital competencies. It examined their digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries in universities of Pakistan. This study also evaluates their digital knowledge in applying security measures to protect digital contents. Design/methodology/approach-The quantitative research method was used to conduct this study. Research questions and hypothesis were developed to achieve the objectives. In-depth review of related literature was conducted to draft a list of essential digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries. It was circulated among the panel of experts to get their valuable feedback to make a final list of digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries. A questionnaire was developed to measure the status of digital competencies of university librarians in Pakistan. It was pre-tested on 20 respondents before applying to the whole population. SPSS software was used to analyze data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to achieve results. Findings-The findings of the study showed that digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries fall into three main categories: digital competencies for developing digital libraries; digital competencies for managing digital libraries; and digital competencies to protect digital contents. The results revealed that training programs offered by Higher Education Commission (HEC), library associations, library schools, in-house trainings, use of online tutorials and trainings offered by skilled professionals are highly important and useful for university librarians to acquire digital competencies. The study concluded that the university librarians working in HEC recognized universities in Punjab province possess basic level of digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries. Their digital competencies vary on the basis of their university type, i.e. public and private sector. Research limitations/implications-This study measures digital competencies of university librarians in Pakistan. The study has practical implications for librarians, library schools, library associations, university libraries and HEC. Practical implications-This study has practical implications for librarians, information professionals, libraries and library schools. The results are useful for librarians to get knowledge of digital competencies which are essential for developing and managing digital libraries and protecting digital contents. They can develop their digital competencies in identified areas. This study has identified useful training programs for university librarians for acquiring digital competencies. The university librarians should use these programs to gain needed digital skills. Social implications-Librarians can get knowledge of digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries to face the challenges of digital age. Originality/value-In contrast to previous research work on investigating computer skills, information and communication technology skills, technological skills and general digital skills, this study particularly identifies the essential digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries. It helps library and information science schools, library associations, training groups and university libraries to offer adequate training opportunities in identified areas to meet the challenges of the digital age. © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited. | Digital competencies; Digital libraries; Digital skills; Management strategy; Pakistan; Systems development | 0 | Digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries: An investigation from university librarians in Pakistan Purpose-The purpose of this study was to explore the essential digital competencies for developing and managing digital libraries. | ||||
2 | Metadata harvesting in regional digital libraries in the PIONIER network | Mazurek C.; Stroinski M.; Werla M.; Węglarz J. | 2006 | National; Academic | Approved | Purpose – The paper aims to present the concept of the functionality of metadata harvesting for regional digital libraries, based on the OAI-PMH protocol. This functionality is a part of regional digital libraries platform created in Poland. The platform was required to reach one of main objectives of the Polish PIONIER Programme – to enrich the content-based services in the Polish NREN. Design/methodology/approach – In order to create the regional digital libraries platform with metadata harvesting feature, digital library low-level services provided by the dLibra Digital Library Framework in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) are deployed. The approach for defining the set of services started with splitting the whole set of advanced digital library features into coherent functional groups, which covered functionality related to digital content, metadata, searching, etc. Then each functional group implicated the creation of a respective digital library service. Additionally, a couple of supporting services like “system” or “event services” were defined. Findings – The exploration of metadata and information about libraries' structure enables the creation of higher-level, content-based services like virtual collections or metadata searching, which are described in the paper. The approach for building distributed regional digital libraries in the National Research and Education Network is suitable for larger scale systems, like international digital libraries. This issue is very important for research networking, especially in the context of European Commission's announcement promoting digital access to Europe's heritage through the European Digital Library. Research limitations/implications – The implementation of the communication protocol between different instances of digital libraries is the basis for the development of content-based services. It presents examples of such services that are enabled through the PIONIER platform for distributed regional digital libraries, and that are provided for research and education users. The next step that will allow for the creation of even more sophisticated services, will offer the possibility to search through content gathered in PIONIER digital libraries. This will be achieved by combining the OAI-PMH protocol together with the MPEG-21 DIDL standard for the exchange of the digital content and content-related metadata. Another group of complementary services also covers information services provided by grid environments. Practical implications – The installation of regional digital libraries in the PIONIER network is currently providing access to more than 15,000 of digital publications. This paper presents a working implementation of the communication between digital libraries in the sense of the exploration of metadata and information about the library structure. This service is seen by us as one of the crucial mechanisms of the information infrastructure, which provides access to scientific and cultural content as well as common middleware services, which should be both distributed and platform-independent. Originality/value – The paper is providing the case study for those who are building the large-scale distributed digital library systems. The definition of services based on metadata harvesting provides an example of core digital library services, which are transforming digital libraries into digital infrastructure for social sciences. © 2006, Emerald Group Publishing Limited | Data handling; Digital libraries; Social systems | 0 | Metadata harvesting in regional digital libraries in the PIONIER network Purpose – The paper aims to present the concept of the functionality of metadata harvesting for regional digital libraries, based on the OAI-PMH protocol. This functionality is a par | ||||
3 | Long-term preservation of big data: prospects of current storage technologies in digital libraries | Bhat W.A. | 2018 | Academic | Approved | Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the prospects of current storage technologies for long-term preservation of big data in digital libraries. Design/methodology/approach: The study employs a systematic and critical review of the relevant literature to explore the prospects of current storage technologies for long-term preservation of big data in digital libraries. Online computer databases were searched to identify the relevant literature published between 2000 and 2016. A specific inclusion and exclusion criterion was formulated and applied in two distinct rounds to determine the most relevant papers. Findings: The study concludes that the current storage technologies are not viable for long-term preservation of big data in digital libraries. They can neither fulfil all the storage demands nor alleviate the financial expenditures of digital libraries. The study also points out that migrating to emerging storage technologies in digital libraries is a long-term viable solution. Research limitations/implications: The study suggests that continuous innovation and research efforts in current storage technologies are required to lessen the impact of storage shortage on digital libraries, and to allow emerging storage technologies to advance further and take over. At the same time, more aggressive research and development efforts are required by academics and industry to further advance the emerging storage technologies for their timely and swift adoption by digital libraries. Practical implications: The study reveals that digital libraries, besides incurring significant financial expenditures, will suffer from potential loss of information due to storage shortage for long-term preservation of big data, if current storage technologies are employed by them. Therefore, policy makers and practitioners should meticulously choose storage technologies for long-term preservation of big data in digital libraries. Originality/value: This type of holistic study that investigates the prospects of magnetic drive technology, solid-state drive technology, and data-reduction techniques for long-term preservation of big data in digital libraries has not been conducted in the field previously, and so provides a novel contribution. The study arms academics, practitioners, policy makers, and industry with the deep understanding of the problem, technical details to choose storage technologies meticulously, greater insight to frame sustainable policies, and opportunities to address various research problems. © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited. | Big data; Data reduction; Digital libraries; Digital preservation; Flash technology; Magnetic storage | 0 | Long-term preservation of big data: prospects of current storage technologies in digital libraries Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the prospects of current storage technologies for long-term preservation of big data in digital librari | ||||
4 | Factors Affecting Digital Skills of University Librarians for Developing & Managing Digital Libraries: An Assessment in Pakistan | Khan S.A.; Bhatti R. | 2020 | Academic | Approved | The purpose of this study was to assess the digital skills of librarians working in university libraries. This study measures their digital skills to create and manage the digital library and the factors affecting their digital skills. The study also provides practical solutions to overcome those factors. This study used a mixed-method research design that is based on qualitative and quantitative research. In the first phase, an in-depth review of related literature was conducted to identify the research problem and formulate research objectives. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed through SPSS software. An interview guide was developed to collect qualitative data from 50 key experts. A thematic approach was used to analyze data. The current status of digital skills of librarians working in university libraries of Pakistan is not encouraging to develop and manage a digital library. Results showed that library schools in Pakistan are not offering practice-based training to their graduates to develop their digital skills. There is a dire need to offer practice-based training and short courses for librarians working in university libraries of Pakistan to improve their digital skills. Experts recommended in-house training programs and hiring master trainers to improve the digital skills of librarians. The results of this research are limited to librarians working in university libraries of Pakistan. This study has practical implications for librarians, library schools, library administration, and university libraries to develop digital skills of librarians and combat the factors/issues that are affecting their digital skills. This study has not only identified the key factors/issues that are affecting the digital skills of librarians but also provides practical solutions on how to overcome those factors. © 2020, Library Philosophy and Practice. All Right Received | Digital Library Creation; Digital Skills; Expert’s Opinion; Librarians; Management; Pakistan; Practical Solutions; Universities | 0 | Factors Affecting Digital Skills of University Librarians for Developing & Managing Digital Libraries: An Assessment in Pakistan The purpose of this study was to assess the digital skills of librarians working in university libraries. This study measures | ||||
5 | Digital Preservation of Library Resources: Strategic planning a Management perspective | Ravat U.P.; Parmar R.D. | 2021 | National; Academic | Approved | Our cultural heritage has been presented on many different materials, including stone, vellum, bamboo, silk, paper and etc. these all materials for information storage had been found in physical medias. That time the attention had been focused only on preserving physical media. Now a day a variety of information exists in digital forms, including emails, blogs, social networking websites, national elections websites, web photo albums, etc.US Library of Congress, had reported(1998) that 44% of the sites available on the internet. It means technology help us to access the cultural heritage from storage of digital memory. However technology creates some opportunity as well as raise challenges also. Libraries and information professionals are now being challenged by new technology; Like multimedia, internet, www, and other virtual computer technology. The environmental, legal, ethical and technological challenges create some major issues to retrieve and preserve the digital information. So the responsibility of librarian and information technology professionals has been wider. The paramount need is to create a well-organized digital preservation strategy for modern library. The researchers have tried to define digital preservation of library resources. The present paper flew the light on the challenges of digital preservation and recommends the suitable strategy implement for digital preservation. They also focus on proposed model for strategic planning for digital preservation. © 2021. All Rights Reserved. | Challenges- Ethical; Digital Preservation; Economical; Political; Preservation; Proposed Model for Strategic Planning for Digital Preservation; Strategy for digital preservation; Technical and Legal | 0 | Digital Preservation of Library Resources: Strategic planning a Management perspective Our cultural heritage has been presented on many different materials, including stone, vellum, bamboo, silk, paper and etc. these all materials for information storage | ||||
6 | Semantic Web and ontology-based applications for digital libraries: An investigation from LIS professionals in Pakistan | Khan S.A.; Bhatti R. | 2018 | Academic | Approved | Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore useful Semantic Web technologies and ontology-based applications for digital libraries. It also investigates the perceptions of university librarians and academicians in Pakistan about Semantic Web technologies and their use in digital libraries. Design/methodology/approach: An exploratory research design based on Delphi research strategy was conducted to answer the research questions. Interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 50 key informants including university librarians and academicians to explore their perceptions about Semantic Web technologies and their use in digital libraries. Thematic analysis of interview data was conducted to obtain results. Findings: The results of this paper showed that DuraCloud, Semantic information mashup, OntoEdit and resource description framework (RDF) are the various Semantic Web applications which are useful for digital libraries to develop semantic relationships among digital contents and increase their accessibility in the web environment. Findings revealed that Semantic Web provides precise results and meets user information needs in an effective way. Results also showed that next-generation digital libraries use context-awareness technology, intelligent agent software and detecting sensors to analyze user information needs and provide dynamic information services. This paper recommended that librarians should embrace the use of emerging web technologies in libraries and offer library services through the medium of the web. Practical implications: This paper envisaged the future of digital library services and Semantic Web applications that can be used to re-structure metadata of digital library. This paper has practical implications for librarians to consider the useful applications of Semantic Web for digital library and enhance the interoperability of metadata among heterogeneous information systems. Practically, results obtained from this paper are highly useful for library schools and LIS teachers to up-date their curriculum by incorporating new contents related to web languages and Semantic Web applications for digital libraries. Originality/value: This paper identifies various Semantic Web applications which are useful for developing Semantic Digital Libraries. © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited. | Digital libraries; Ontology; Pakistan; Semantic Web | 0 | Semantic Web and ontology-based applications for digital libraries: An investigation from LIS professionals in Pakistan Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore useful Semantic Web technologies and ontology-based applications for digital libraries | ||||
7 | Digital information access in urban/suburban communities: A survey report of public digital library use by the residents in Connecticut | Liu Y.Q.; Martin C.; Roehl E.; Li Z.; Ward S. | 2006 | Academic | Approved | Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of public digital services on urban/suburban residents, to uncover the current usage of public digital services and levels of satisfaction with the digital resources/content in urban digital libraries (networked computers with specific information infrastructure designed free for public use). Design/methodology/approach - A qualitative approach is used as a main stream in the research framework as the method of inquiry. Qualitative one-to-one interviews include surveying users who use public library websites, observing the users, consulting librarians about the users, and interviewing the users. Findings - Provides demographic patterns of the patron's interaction with the digital services public libraries provide, and the satisfaction and compliances the residents have regarding information access through the digital technology in urban/suburban Connecticut. Practical implications - Because of the small number of participants, this study has limitations in being generalized to an understanding of overall patterns of urban residents using digital resources in public settings in the USA or elsewhere, however, it could be a good pilot study for a nation-wide survey with the methods tested. Originality/value - This study helps fulfill the scant empirical attention given to the impact access to public digital information or use of digital library services on the urban/suburban residents, offers new data that help public library administrators enhance the impact, efficiency and value of the public digital library services to improve the digital learning environments for life-long education at all levels in a broad community of urban-suburban users. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited. | Digital libraries; Information studies; Public libraries | 0 | Digital information access in urban/suburban communities: A survey report of public digital library use by the residents in Connecticut Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact of public digital services on urban/suburban residents, to | ||||
8 | Digital library education in iran: Perspectives of library and information science educators and academic librarians | Rasuli B.; Naghshineh N. | 2014 | Academic | Approved | This study explores Iranian Library and Information Science (LIS) educators' and academic librarians' viewpoints about a dedicated digital library education programme, as well as solicits proposed models and courses on digital libraries. A survey was administered on a sample of 45 LIS educators and66 academic librarians via an online questionnaire. Responses were analyzed by descriptive statistics (for closed questions) and content analysis (for open-ended questions). Results show that the current LIS education curriculum in Iran does not sufficiently teach LIS students and librarians digital library principles and concepts; in addition, a high majority of LIS educators and academic librarians are in favour of a dedicated digital library education programme. This study provides the empirical data for the design and delivery of a dedicated programme or relevant courses on digital libraries at Iranian library schools, especially at the newly established LIS departments in Iran. Digital librarymanagement, digital preservation, digitization, digital library architecture, and metadata would be the key components in a digital library education programme. Research on digital library education has not been carried out before in Iran. As such, this paper may fill the research gap between theory and practice of Iranian digital librarianship, as well as facilitates LIS departments to design digital library programme and implement the courses in their curriculum. | Digital libraries; Digital library education; Information; Iran; Library and; Science curriculum | 0 | Digital library education in iran: Perspectives of library and information science educators and academic librarians This study explores Iranian Library and Information Science (LIS) educators' and academic librarians' viewpoints about a dedicated digital | ||||
9 | The development of digital libraries in China and the shaping of digital librarians | Zhou Q. | 2005 | Approved | Purpose - Aims to focus on the need for appropriately trained librarians of the next-generation, the "Digital Librarians", with particular emphasis on China. Design/methodology/approach - The paper first analyzes the definition and features of the digital library, and is followed by an introduction to digital libraries developing in China. Work modes and quality composition of digital librarians are then analyzed and discussed. Findings - Digital libraries emerging in the information age represent an inevitable trend for library development. A digital library contains a vast amount of digital information resources in multiple media. It may provide readers with diversified information services using digital and network technologies. In addition to certain hardware and software availabilities, the evolving digital library requires appropriately trained librarians of the next-generation, the "Digital Librarians", which forms the theme of this paper. Originality/value - Provides recommendations and measures on how China can develop further its digital librarians. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited. | China; Digital libraries; Knowledge management; Literacy | 0 | The development of digital libraries in China and the shaping of digital librarians Purpose - Aims to focus on the need for appropriately trained librarians of the next-generation, the Digital Librarians, with particular emphasis on China. Design/methodol | |||||
10 | Usage data of images from a digital library informs four areas of digital library management: Metadata creation, system design, marketing and promotion, and content selection | Lawton A. | 2015 | National; Academic | Approved | Objective: To investigate the implications of intended and actual usage data retrieved from a digital library on digital library management and design. Design: Case study. Setting: A digital library of predominantly high resolution images based at a large research university in the United States of America. Subjects: Responses from 917 users of an open access digital library. Methods: Researchers used a literature review to identify previous research on this topic and to inform the methodology for their research. Two distinct studies informed the methodology: research by Beaudoin (2009) that identified categories of both users and questions around usage was incorporated, and the ultimate use categories suggested by Chung and Yoon (2011) to compare against those used in this research. Researchers used data extracted via recorded system logs that are part of the statistics feature of the digital library. This feature is an in-house developed system, the Digital Cart Service (DCS). The logs tracked usage of 917 images recorded over a three year period, from 2011-2013. After eliminating personal information, researchers examined three fields: university affiliation, intended use, and description. After exporting the data from these three fields to a Microsoft Access database for text analysis, researchers normalized the data using a series of codes assigned to the responses. It is unclear how many description fields were used to yield more information. Main Results: Researchers identified five user-types among users of the digital library. The biggest user group was visitors, followed by university staff, while university faculty had the lowest usage. Visitors were found to use images for personal use, such as inspirational and artistic purposes. The products developed from images in the digital library were-wide ranging, and included image albums, research, artwork, and video productions. These findings have implications for four areas of practical management of digital libraries: metadata creation, system design, marketing and promotion, and content selection. Among the eight categories of intended uses recorded, the highest uses were found to be for personal use, followed by 'other' use. Researchers examined the 'other' use category and further divided it into 12 sub-categories. Of these sub-categories, the highest use was for publication and research, while the lowest use was for 'gift' and 'industry.' Conclusion: Incorporating user-generated metadata and distributing it to digital library managers is found to produce enhanced metadata and to aid the promotion and awareness of collections. Usage data may inform marketing efforts, as it provides a more comprehensive picture of who uses digital libraries and why they use images retrieved from those libraries. Equally, usage data may reveal the least frequent users of digital libraries, which informs targeted user marketing campaigns. Finally, the authors find that usage data combined with user-generated metadata should form part of content selection criteria for digital library managers. © 2015. | 0 | Usage data of images from a digital library informs four areas of digital library management: Metadata creation, system design, marketing and promotion, and content selection Objective: To investigate the implications of intended and actual usage data ret |
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This project is funded by the European Union under grant agreement ID 101061516. The information and views set out in this website are those of the LibrarIN Consortium only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them
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This project is funded by the European Union under grant agreement ID 101061516. The information and views set out in this website are those of the LibrarIN Consortium only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them