Innovation and Co-creation in Libraries Across Europe: Highlights from LibrarIN’s Stakeholder Panel Meeting in Vienna

LibrarIN’s Stakeholder Panel is an assembly of experts that are passionate about library innovation. Together, they bring a wealth of knowledge in LibrarIN’s research topics. Comprising of 37 members from 19 European countries, the Panel reflects the diverse landscape of libraries across Europe and  includes representatives from national, academic, municipal, and community libraries, as well as policymakers, international library organizations, academia and civil society.

The Mission of the Stakeholder Panel

The core mission of the Stakeholder Panel is to facilitate knowledge exchange with LibrarIN’s researchers. This collaboration enriches LibrarIN’s research with practical, experience-driven insights, enhancing the applicability and sustainability of the project’s research results and (policy) recommendations. By involving stakeholders in co-creation processes, the panel provides valuable input that guides future research and ensures that policy recommendations are not only theoretical but also practical. The panel convenes a couple of times a year, both online and in-person.

Stakeholder Panel Meeting and Co-creation session in Vienna

On November 8th, 2024, LibrarIN held an in-person Stakeholder Panel Meeting in Vienna. The day started with an engaging Co-Creation Session on Use Cases. This collaborative session served as a mutual learning exercise, designed to refine and explore use cases through peer interaction and dynamic group work. Use cases are practical examples showcasing how libraries address specific needs or objectives through innovative services. They are designed to serve as a pragmatic guide, offering actionable insights and answering a central question: “How did another library overcome this challenge or achieve this goal that your library now faces?” The aim is to create an accessible resource of use cases that benefits libraries worldwide. Contributions from LibrarIN Stakeholder Panel are vital in shaping this resource, which will serve as a key achievement of the project.

The morning began with four insightful presentations by panel members, who shared real-life use cases from their own libraries. These were followed by discussions in small groups, where panel members and LibrarIN researchers explored use cases under the four themes of Digital Transformation, Social Innovation and Outreach, Mindset and Organizational Change, and Metrics and Monitoring. The discussions were lively and provided important insights on challenges and strategies.

The focus in the afternoon was on the Stakeholder Panel Meeting, where the participants received updates on the various aspects of LibrarIN’s research. This included the progress on the conceptual framework and the ongoing library surveys, and insights from case studies on digital transformation, social innovations and living labs. This was followed by updates from LibrarIN’s Policy Working Group, consisting of various Stakeholder panel members which are actively engaged in shaping LibrarIN’s library policy work. The meeting also featured a focused and insightful interactive discussion on sustainability, during which stakeholders were consulted on shaping the long-term impact of the LibrarIN project after its official conclusion.

The meeting concluded with a forward-looking outlook on the Panel’s activities for the coming year. Plans include a Co-Creation Session in spring. Furthermore, the Stakeholder Panel has been invited to actively participate in LibrarIN’s Final Conference, scheduled to take place at the premises of the University of Alcalá from May 22 to 23, 2025.

The Stakeholder Panel Meeting in Vienna was a very inspiring event and a great opportunity for LibrarIN’s researchers to collaborate and exchange ideas with its Stakeholder Panel. It was a wonderful day of co-creation, sharing examples of library innovation and exchanging ideas on sustainability. The LibrarIN Consortium looks forward to continuing this fruitful partnership in the year ahead!