The 5th General Assembly Meeting of the LibrarIN project was held on 6-7 November 2024
RESER 2024: Shaping the Future of Libraries in Helsinki
By Kirsi Hyytinen and Tiina Tuominen, VTT Technical Research Center of Finland From October 31
Title of best practice 1
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Reimagining Libraries: Insights from the LibrarIN Policy Brief on Sparking Collaboration & Innovation for 21st Century Challenges
In the LibrarIN Policy Brief titled “Reimagine Libraries: Sparking Collaboration for Innovation to Tackle Libraries’
LibrarIN’s Stakeholder Panel: Driving Innovation and Co-creation in Libraries Across Europe
LibrarIN’s Stakeholder Panel is an assembly of experts that are passionate about library innovation. Together,
Highlights from the 4th General Assembly Meeting of the LibrarIN Project in Helsinki
On May 15-16, 2024, the 4th General Assembly Meeting of the LibrarIN project took place
Empowering Libraries for a Stronger Europe: European Library Associations Launch Manifesto Ahead of 2024 Parliament Elections
As the 2024 European Parliament elections approach, prominent library associations across Europe have united to
Developing Metrics for Innovation in the World of Libraries
In an era marked by rapid digital transformation, the role of libraries in fostering innovation
Navigating the Digital Transformation Landscape in Libraries: Insights and Challenges
Digital transformation in libraries is in full swing, driven by evolving technology and changing patron
The LibrarIN Stakeholder Panel: A Collaboration for Innovative Libraries
In March 2023, following an open call, LibrarIN launched a Stakeholder Panel. As the project